
#160 – Java in 2023 – 🇲🇦 اش واقع فالجاڤا ؟ واش جاڤا بقيا مطلوبة ولا صافي ؟ 🤔


In this episode we discuss the Java updates and features in 2023, with Aicha Laafia, Hamza Belmellouki, Ossama Ismaili, Adnane Belmadiaf, Marouane gazayni, and Mohammed Aboullaite.



0:00:00 – Introduction and welcoming

0:04:00 – What is 6 month realse? and the favorite feature on latest java version (java 11 to 21)

0:15:45 – Is Java Still Relevant In 2023?

0:25:00 – What's/Why the Pattern Matching

0:32:00 – Record and how it helps the developers?

0:45:00 – The project Loom and the Virtual Threads

0:58:00 – The project Valhala

1:08:00 – The project Panama

1:10:00 – The project Leyden

1:14:35 – What are the limitations of Java in the serverless?

1:16:00 – Java benchmark and comparison with other languages

1:18:00 – Giveaway

1:20:00 – Answer the questions from the comments

1:33:00 – Is Java slow and/or Verbose?

1:35:00 – Migration from old to new Java versions tips, feedback and recommendations

1:47:00 – Answer the questions from the comments

2:12:00 – Recommendations for new Java devs

2:18:00 – Conclusion and goodbye.


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