
#161 – JavaScript in 2023 🇲🇦 – الجديد في جاڤسكريبت – TS, React, Angular, Astro, Qwik, Bun, Htmx


In this episode, we discuss the JavaScript updates and features in 2023, with Abderrahim Soubai Idrissi, Ayoub Alouane, Wassim CHEGHAM, Mouad Sidqi, Niima Chigr, and Youssouf El Azizi.



0:00:00 – Introduction and welcoming

0:06:00 – Is Typescript the new Javascript?

0:10:00 – Which is better for starting a new project in 2023-2024: JavaScript or TypeScript?

0:19:00 – Are we making the front-end development too complex with too many concepts?

0:32:00 – Walking through some of the most important concepts in frontend: Hydration, islands, resumability.

1:16:00 – Are compilers the new frameworks?

1:26:00 – What are signals?

1:33:00 – Answer the questions from the comments

1:56:00 – What do you think about Micro-frontend?

2:03:00 – Answer the questions from the comments

2:14:00 – How do you stay updated with Javascript trends?

2:23:00 – Frameworks updates: Angualar, React, Qwik, Next …

2:49:00 – Bun

2:55:00 – JavaScript future

3:10:00 – Geeksblabla Picks

3:17:00 – Conclusion and goodbye.


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